At Brightwater Engineering, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of engineering excellence. We service national and international clients with offices strategically placed in Nelson, Auckland and Greymouth.
Our team is passionate about solving complex engineering challenges and delivering sustainable solutions that stand the test of time. Whether you're looking for cutting-edge designs, reliable project management, or expert consultation, we have the skills and expertise to meet your needs.
We welcome the opportunity to connect with you.
Contact Us
Nelson – Head Office
7 Spencer Place, Brightwater 7022, Nelson, New Zealand
Phone: +64 3 543 5300
Fax: +64 3 543 5301
Greymouth Office
Gray Brothers Engineering
69 Jacks Road, PO Box 138,
Greymouth 7840
Phone: +64 3 768 5374
Fax: +64 3 768 5379
Auckland Office
6 George Bourke Drive,
Mt Wellington 1060, Auckland
Phone: +64 9 480 8409
Fax: +64 9 480 8109
Port Nelson Office
305 Akersten Street,
Port Nelson, Nelson 7010