In August 2014 Brightwater’s Marine Engineering team took part in the floating of the Oil Rig the Kan Tan lV that was transported to New Zealand from Malaysia by the world’s largest transport vessel, the Blue Marlin. The Blue Marlin sailed into Admiralty Bay in the Marlborough Sounds where a team of engineers including 22 Brightwater staff worked to release the Oil Rig from the vessel.
In order to release the Kan Tan lV, the Blue Marlin was partially submerged and then the engineers proceeded to cut the Rig free. Brightwater staff worked in two shifts for a week to cut the hold down points and remove all the deck fastenings so the Rig could be floated free.
The Weather conditions were not ideal and it made access to the vessel difficult. In spite of the weather the Brightwater team completed the job successfully. The Kan Tan lV was then towed by a support vessel to the Taranaki Basin where it will drill the Makutu-1 Well to 4850 metres after being moored in 135 metres of water.