Yashili Water Treatment Plant

Client: Yashili New Zealand Dairy Co., Ltd
Scope: Turnkey Delivery of a greenfield industrial Water Treatment Plant
Timeframe: 6 months


Yashili is one of the leading infant formula producers in China. In 2014 Yashili developed a 8mt/hour Infant Milk Formula facility in Pokeno, north Waikato. 

Brightwater was contracted to deliver a potable water plant capable of treating and producing 3,000m³ of water per day. Yashili acquired resource consent to receive raw water supplied from a bore adjacent to Yashili’s property. This raw water presented its own challenges being high in iron and manganese and extracted from the ground where it’s remained for over 150 years. 

Additionally, Brightwater was contracted to design the building which contained the plant, associated civil design for the adjacent Waste Water Treatment Plant and supply various ancillary equipment required for the water treatment area.


Brightwater along with technology partner Ixom Australia, were tasked to deliver a complete engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) water treatment facility. Brightwater worked closely with Yashili throughout the design stage to ensure the finished product would meet their unique requirements. 

The final plant comprised of innovative media filtration technology, when coupled with Chlorine Gas chemical dosing, was able to treat the water within spec without altering the incoming pH. This was a major advantage over standard green sand filters and was engineered to be a substantial cost saving for Yashili’s annual chemical inventory. This also allowed the reduction in size of the associated storage tanks and the equipment required for dosing and pH control. The solution presented further benefits with the raw water constantly changing composition and having no effect on the potable water end product.

In addition to this, Brightwater also developed and constructed a softening plant using advanced long life resins and a full Salt Saturator regeneration system. The competed plant is fully automatic requiring minimal user operation and maintenance; this is possible due to the online analytical instrumentation continuously measuring water quality. All aspects of the plant can be monitored/controlled locally and remotely from the Brightwater supplied PLC & SCADA system. Once started, the plant is able to run itself, completing its own backwash cycles and regeneration phases with zero operator input. As part of the project, Brightwater also designed and managed the WTP Building electrical design and installation.

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